Wikimedia Foundation v. NSA
A lawsuit challenging the NSA’s “Upstream” surveillance
The Knight Institute and the ACLU are challenging the lawfulness of the NSA’s so-called “Upstream” surveillance, under which the NSA intercepts American’s international communications at internet chokepoints around the United States and subsequently scans those communications for “selectors” associated with foreign surveillance targets.
The lawsuit argues that the NSA’s Upstream surveillance program is an unprecedented form of surveillance that violates the First Amendment, the Fourth Amendment, and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The lead plaintiff in the lawsuit is the Wikimedia Foundation, which runs the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, one of the most-trafficked websites on the internet.
In October 2015, a federal district court dismissed the suit, holding that the plaintiffs lacked standing to sue. On May 23, 2017, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit reversed in part, holding that the Wikimedia Foundation has standing to challenge the NSA’s Upstream surveillance.
Status: Petition for a Writ of Certiorari denied on February 21, 2023.
Case Information: Wikimedia Found. v. NSA, No. 1:15-cv-00662-TSE (D. Md.), No. 15-2560 (4th Cir.).
Press Statements
Legal Filings
Click to highlight response chains
Supreme Court
4th Cir.
Order Denying Petition for Rehearing
Plaintiff's Petition for Rehearing En Banc
Opinion (dismissing case)
Plaintiff's Reply Brief
Government's Response Brief
Amicus Briefs (in support of Plaintiff)
Stephen I. Vladeck
Evidence Law Professors
Americans for Prosperity Foundation, Brennan Center for Justice, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Electronic Privacy Information Center, FreedomWorks Foundation, TechFreedom
Network Engineers and Technologists
Center for Democracy & Technology and New America's Open Technology Institute
Plaintiff's Opening Brief
Joint Appendix (volume 1 of 7)
Joint Appendix (volume 2 of 7)
Joint Appendix (volume 3 of 7)
Joint Appendix (volume 4 of 7)
Joint Appendix (volume 5 of 7)
Joint Appendix (volume 6 of 7)
Joint Appendix (volume 7 of 7)
Amended Briefing Schedule
Briefing Schedule
Plaintiff's Notice of Appeal
D. Md.
Opinion (granting government’s motion for summary judgment on standing)
Government’s Sur-Reply
Exhibit List
Exhibit 16 - 3d Declaration of Dr. Henning Schulzrinne
Exhibit 17 - 2d Declaration of Dr. Alan Salzberg
Plaintiff's Sur-Reply
Declaration of Scott Bradner
Declaration of Jonathon Penney
Declaration of Michelle Paulson
Declaration of Tilman Bayer
Declaration of Emily Temple-Wood
Government’s Reply
Exhibit List
Exhibit 6 - 2d Declaration of Dr. Henning Schulzrinne
Exhibit 7 - Declaration of Dr. Alan J. Salzberg
Exhibit 8 - 2d Declaration of James J. Gilligan
Exhibit 9 - Wikimedia’s Responses and Objections to DOJ (01/11/2018)
Exhibit 10 - Relevant Portions of the Deposition of James Alexander, Wikimedia Foundation witness
Exhibit 11 - Relevant Portions of the Deposition of Michelle Paulson, Wikimedia Foundation witness
Exhibit 12 - Wikimedia Foundation, "Securing access to Wikimedia sites with HTTPS" (06/12/2015)
Exhibit 13 - Wikipedia: Village pump (technical)/Archive 138
Exhibit 14 - Jimmy Wales and Lila Tretikov, “Stop Spying on Wikimedia Users” (N.Y. Times, 03/10/2015)
Exhibit 15 - Wikimedia Foundation, "Wikimedia v. NSA: Wikimedia Foundation files suit against NSA to challenge upstream mass surveillance" (03/10/2015)
Plaintiff's Opposition
Declaration of Scott Bradner
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Declaration of Jonathon Penney
Declaration of Michelle Paulson
Declaration of James Alexander
Declaration of Tilman Bayer
Declaration of Emily Temple-Wood
Declaration of Patrick Toomey
Government's Motion for Summary Judgment
Exhibit List
Exhibit 1 - Declaration of Dr. Henning Schulzrinne
Exhibit 2 - Declaration of James J. Gilligan
Exhibit 3 - Wikimedia's Responses and Objections to NSA (03/23/2018)
Exhibit 4 - Wikimedia's Responses and Objections to ODNI (04/06/2018)
Exhibit 5 - Wikimedia's Responses and Objections to NSA (01/11/2018)
Order (scheduling oral argument)
Order (scheduling status conference)
Opinion (denying motion to compel)
Plaintiff's Reply
Declaration of Ashley Gorski
Transcript Citations
Deposition of Rebecca J. Richards
Government's Opposition
Redacted Declaration of George Barnes
Plaintiff's Supplement to Motion to Compel
Order (endorsing briefing schedule)
Plaintiff's Motion to Compel
Declaration Patrick Toomey
Joint Motion to Set Briefing Schedule
Order (re: requested discovery extension)
Joint Request Proposed Order
Joint Request for Discovery Continuation
Government's Answer
Joint Proposed Discovery Plan
Order (directing filing of proposed discovery plan)
Transcript of Hearing
Plaintiff's Reply
Government's Response
Plaintiff's Brief on Procedure
Order (requiring briefing on how to proceed)
Government's Response re: Status Conference
Plaintiffs' Motion for a Status Conference
4th Cir.
D. Md.