Our Mission

We defend the freedoms of speech and the press in the digital age through strategic litigation, research, policy advocacy, and public education.

We promote a system of free expression that is open and inclusive, that broadens and elevates public discourse, and that fosters creativity, accountability, and effective self-government.

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The Assange Plea and Press Freedom

What is Censorship Online?

Knight Institute Symposium on the Exchange of Ideas Across Borders to Feature Prominent Scholars and Immigration Advocates


Transparency & Democracy

Ensuring access to information necessary for self-government

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The Press and American Democracy

Identifying four distinct constitutional functions of "the press"

Free Speech & Social Media

Safeguarding the vitality and integrity of public discourse online

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There’s a Problem With Banning TikTok. It’s Called the First Amendment.


Privacy & Surveillance

Protecting the privacy vital to free thought and expression

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Call for Participation: "Free Speech and Consumer Protection in the Era of Commercial Surveillance"




"Views on First: War & Speech"

An exploration of the free speech fallout of the war in Israel and Gaza

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Flashpoint: Protests, Policing, and the Press

A Knight Institute production

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The Foundation for Global Political Exchange v. Department of the Treasury

A case challenging OFAC’s suppression of the exchange of political ideas

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Deep Dive

In a victory for free speech, lawsuit challenging mail digitization in jails will move forward

Case brought by incarcerated people and their loved ones in San Mateo, California

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