Public Officials and Social Media
Melinda Beck


Public Officials and Social Media

Through groundbreaking litigation such as Knight Institute v. Trump—a lawsuit challenging former President Trump's practice of blocking critics from his Twitter account—the Institute has been instrumental in establishing a basic principle: once public officials open up an online space for expressive activity to the public at large, the First Amendment prohibits them from excluding speakers on the basis of viewpoint. Courts throughout the country have invoked this case to preclude other public officials from silencing their social media critics. 

This blog channel highlights the Institute’s ongoing work in this area and explores the many challenging First Amendment questions that continue to emerge. 


Amicus Brief

Iowa v. Securities Exchange Commission

Litigation challenging the SEC’s climate disclosure rule

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Flashpoint: Protests, Policing, and the Press

A Knight Institute production

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The Foundation for Global Political Exchange v. Department of the Treasury

A case challenging OFAC’s suppression of the exchange of political ideas

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Institute Update

War & Speech

A new season of “Views on First” about free speech and the war in Israel and Gaza

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