Algorithmic Amplification and Society
Daniel Hertzberg


Algorithmic Amplification and Society

Most online speech is hosted on algorithmic platforms that are designed to optimize for engagement. But algorithms are not neutral. They amplify some speech and suppress others. Some effects are positive. Others exert a pervasive distorting effect on everything.

This blog channel features posts related to the Institute’s research project,  Algorithmic Amplification and Society, which seeks to identify gaps in existing understandings of algorithmic distortion, as well as uncover and explain the true principles that govern the movements of online speech.



"Views on First: War & Speech"

An exploration of the free speech fallout of the war in Israel and Gaza

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Flashpoint: Protests, Policing, and the Press

A Knight Institute production

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The Foundation for Global Political Exchange v. Department of the Treasury

A case challenging OFAC’s suppression of the exchange of political ideas

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Deep Dive

In a victory for free speech, lawsuit challenging mail digitization in jails will move forward

Case brought by incarcerated people and their loved ones in San Mateo, California

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