Enrique Armijo
Enrique Armijo is a professor of law at Elon University School of Law and a faculty affiliate of the Yale Law School Information Society Project and the UNC-Chapel Hill Center for Information, Technology, and Public Life, teaches and researches in the areas of the First Amendment, constitutional law, torts, administrative law, media and internet law, and international freedom of expression. He is also currently a research fellow at the George Washington University’s Institute for Data, Democracy, and Politics, where he is engaged in a research project on disinformation, lies, and the First Amendment. In addition to his courses at Elon Law, he teaches Torts and Freedom of Speech at the Wake Forest University School of Law.
Deep Dive : Jawboning
Murthy v. Missouri, Government Jawboning, and Our Collective Disinformation Problem
Bad facts make no law? Not much progress toward solving the First Amendment puzzle that jawboning presents
By Enrique Armijo & Derek Bambauer -
Deep Dive : Jawboning
The Unambiguous First Amendment Law of Government Jawboning
Missouri v. Biden and the political war over content moderation.
By Enrique Armijo -
Essays and Scholarship
Meet the New Governors, Same as the Old Governors
Response to Kate Klonick's "Facebook v. Sullivan"
By Enrique Armijo